Top Tips On Showcasing Your Talents and Skills to a Potential Employer

Nailing the perfect job interview is probably one of the hardest things to do in your adult life. Creating your excellent first impression is critical if you want to land your dream job - and the way your employers see you is one of the main factors in successfully landing a job. There are a few tips and tricks that you can follow to make sure that you make a great first impression, you get to showcase your skills and talents, and that you impress your potential employer - increasing the chance of success on getting your dream job. Here are a few tips that you can follow to make sure that you effectively showcase your capabilities, skills and talents to your potential employer:

Create A Portfolio That Is Representative Of You and Your Work

1. Make sure it's clean, legible and straight to the point

Scientifically, grabbing interest and attention from an individual viewing a piece of information takes only 7 seconds. So that means your portfolio has about 7 seconds to grab the interest of your potential employer - so make sure that your portfolio is clean and legible, so that you keep your potential employer interested and wanting to view more.

2. Showcase your BEST works first, and works that are showcased on big platforms

You want to tell your employer that your talent is something that their company needs - so make sure to showcase your best work first so that your potential employer knows what you are capable of. Also include information like where you showcased your talent so that they know who you have provided your services to - this it to increase your talent's credibility.

Prepare your Resume

Your resume is different from your portfolio. Your resume should include all your educational attainments, work experience, relative experience, and relative notes that can be critical to your employment. Make sure, like your portfolio, that it is clean and legible.

Be Prepared to do a Live Demonstration, in case they demand it (and if it is possible.)

Your potential employer might want to see a live demonstration of your talent, so you have to be very prepared for that situation. In fact, a live demonstration is your  best and biggest opportunity to showcase your talent at its full extent to your potential employer. So, make sure that you have prepared all the logistics on performing a live demonstration, because this can make or break your job application. If you're persistent, you can even ask if they are interested in seeing your talent live, if you deem it necessary.