It Jobs: Expectations vs. Reality 

Are you a new IT graduate ready for your first challenging job in IT? Well, it might be right in front of you after your first successful passing of the gauntlet to get actually hired. But be prepared for a lot of disappointment along the way.

Studies show that over 67 percent of new hires are sadly disillusioned about their new job, and the reason is that the skills you've learned, such as crunching the data, are only about around 20 percent of the job or less.

What really happens in an IT job?

According to Rescue a typical software engineer in a small or medium company spends only 19 to 22 percent of their time actually coding and doing UT work, and around 80 percent of their time chasing down information in order to do the job.

For example, Andrews Vorkais, writing for Medium reports that he spent endless hours extracting CVC files and then transposing them to Excel, on his first IT job, and that's the same case that could be said for thousands of other IT jobs.

Problems with IT jobs

Linked In reports that only 32 percent of people at work felt they were actually
engaged in their jobs, and that's probably even less true of those in IT.

One of the most common frustrations is that once in IT, people are often pigeonholed, and over half of employees feel there is little chance for advancement beyond their current job. Another common frustration is feeling an overwhelming sense of workload, without enough help to get everything done.

A lack of mentorship

But perhaps the biggest problem that IT workers experience is the sense that they are out on their own. Rarely do companies have mentorship programs to help people strengthen their skills beyond the technical skills they already have, and many also cite any opportunity at work to learn new programming or computer skills.

In truth, IT workers themselves may be the major blame for this. For a great many, becoming successful at programming or other IT tasks is a bit like joining a secret club. People in IT tend to be very proud of their accomplishments and may have a sense that they don't need anybody else's help.

It's just one IT workers opinion, but think that management needs to stop and see the
rose's beneath the IT manure, and offer a serious mentoring program if they ever hope
to see real satisfaction among IT workers at their company.